Friday 10 October 2008

Kath & Kim - American Style

While in New York last month I was dismayed to see a bus with a promotional sign for Kath & Kim.

At the time I was in a desperate-for-sleep haze and didn't really register that it wasn't the Kath & Kim I was used to, but a blatant American rip off version. See, in Australia it's a hit show with AUSTRALIAN actors and while most of the jokes are only really understood by Aussies I'm sure there are many viewers from different countries who can appreciate the humour. The series stars Jane Turner and Gina Riley and I would go so far as to say that I bet most Aussie expats in Dubai own something with Kath and Kim on it - be it a tea towel, coasters, funny apron, oven gloves or some of the series on dvd.

The US version features Selma Blair and Molly Shannon and while I'm sure they could work well together in a comedy with their oddball antics, the very thought of them playing our beloved Kath and Kim horrifies me. Critics have slammed it and I'm still not entirely sure why it was even made - it pretty much follows the same story line as our series and I'm pretty confident the humour just won't translate in the American accent.

Aussies have a very dry sense of humour, not the sit-com-laugh-on-demand-with-cue-cards type and we hate it when people try to steal our ideas and fob them off as their own. Read the reviews for yourselves:

I'm doubtful it'll ever take off and I'm a bit miffed they even tried. Jane and Gina manage to pull of their eccentric wardrobes looking a bit cooky and bogan-ish (which Aussies recognise) but Selma and Molly just look like mutton dressed up as lamb.

I hope it bombs.


GirlonTour said...

Touche! I remember reading about this in the newspaper a month ago and had to do a double take. Apparently the brains behind taking 'The Office' to the US is behind this as well, and I agree, Fountain Gate shopping Centre is not something you can replicate thanks yanks! Watching with keen interest.

Anonymous said...

OMG why? It's such a bad idea. I'm from London and i love Kath and Kim i don't think american's will get it. It work's over here cuz brits have a very simalar sense of humor- I hope it bombs too!!!

Blondie said...

How do you REALLY feel about it???


GirlonTour said...

Oops sorry Blondie ;)

Anonymous said...

They had it running on channel 7 in Australia, but it was taken off after three episodes as people complained about it. So they put the Australian version back on! Yay!